Tuesday, January 25, 2005

25 January 2005 Lecture

Previous discussion on scaffolding; example of cooking recipes

Cooking is a more obvious example

Less obvious: How do we group/classify computers?
UPC codes? Robert's Rules of Order?

Consider social infrastructure, constraints, opportunities, etc.


Is an anteloope a document?


Term relative to user/task: action of perception "realizes" document status
perceptions versus uses

what it is
what it is relative to a person
what it is relative to one person being observed by another person doing the observing
(what it is relative to a zoologist being observed by an information scientist
what it is relative to a zoologist being observed be the zoologist's neighbor who isn't an information scientists)

use and the user
and the hall of mirrors

terms are in fact highly dynamic defined by user which is in turn defined by use which is modified by need

Tuesday: "What does it matter for us what 'document' and 'information' are?"

type (2)


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